Environmental Policy

Our simple mission statement is ‘to revitalize the earth’. We express this in a number of ways, but naturally this also extends to recognising the impact our business has on the environment. We believe this to be more than just words on a bit of paper or a template downloaded from the internet. We publish the policy on our website, discuss it with our employees and suppliers and endeavour to keep it in mind in every decision we take, but not make it the sole reason for any decision.

Throughout our operations, we make every effort to conserve resources. We encourage and seek out suppliers that do the same. We recycle or re-use waste whenever possible. For instance, the old stair treads in our old shop were made into shelves for the seed packet display, we used lime plaster left over from wall repairs to make paint for the first floor of our new shop, wooden packaging crates are used in window displays and sturdy delivery boxes are re-used in our internet operation. We 're-purpose' things whenever we can, including old gags.

Our aim is to provide both functional and beautiful items for our customers outside space. Where feasible, we seek to source such items locally and that use materials that are environmentally benign, however, we will not compromise on beauty and functionality in doing so. Here's a group of products that are specifically 'eco', but many other products in our range also have strong environment friendly claims, not all that are immediately apparent.

Our product selection policy has, since day one, always been to seek out the best, well made, well designed products in a category, made from renewable or natural resources where this makes sense. 'Buy Better' has always been a motto for us and thus by only offering you 'better and best', we make that task easier for you. Please do ask us if you are in any doubt or wish to discuss this or any aspect of our business.

We also believe as a company, that the social fabric of the community that surrounds us is an important part of the environment too. Thus, we seek to foster good community relations and drive greater co-operation with all our neighbours.

Stuart Isbister
Managing Director
The Worm that Turned

First Published April 2009
Last updated May 2019