Northampton Chronicle & Echo - August 2002

Festive cards raise charity money

Copy Reads: Charity Christmas Cards sold across the country last winter have earned one Northampton-based organisation thousands of pounds. The Worm that Turned, a greeting card company, has donated cash from the sales of its 2001 Christmas cards to the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA). The company's director, Heather Isbister, chose the charity after losing her father to motor neurone disease. A cheque for neatly £3,500 was presented to Fiona Harrison, supporter development officer based at the MNDA headquarters in Notre Dame Mews, She said: "We are very grateful to Heather and The Worm that Turned for this fantastic contribution which will be of enormous benefit to people with MND and those who care for them. "The MNDA relies heavily on the support of individuals, companies and other organisations to continue its work in promoting research into this terrible disease and supporting people affected by it."

Motor Neurone Disease is a rapidly progressive and fatal disease that can affect any adult at any time. The cause is unknown and there is no known cure, yet it kills more people a day than Aids. Famous people who have died of the disease include actor David Niven and football manager Don Revie.

Please note: These cards are still available online, but note these do not carry the charity donation, however all the christmas cards sold in our Nottingham shop do. Prior to 2004 these cards were available in other retailers too, hence the size of the donation. We continue to support the MND Association.


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