The way you secure your parasol is determined by the substrate in or on which you parasol will stand. We are happy to provide a variety of fixing methods for your Glatz parasol whether you are fixing into gravel and concrete, or onto wooden decking or balconies.
Please do get in touch with us on 0345 605 2505 if you are unsure of the best way to secure your parasol. We will be more than happy to help!
If you need a moveable parasol fixing we would recommend a lawn spike, or a classic base with or without castors. A permanent ground fixing would ideal If the position of your parasol is to be set. If you are attaching onto a solid ground, a mounting plate is a good choice.
We also sell special mount plates which can be recessed to be flush with the ground for a cleaner look (and less tripping up!). If space is a bit tight you can use a balcony clamp (with lighter parasols) or a wall console.