All Plant Stuff
Spinacio Viroflay
£2.95 -
Brexit Vegetable Growing Survival Kit - Limited Edition
£24.95 -
Courgette Tondo di Nizza Seeds
£2.95 -
Bee Flower Seed Mats
£9.95 -
Butterfly Flower Seed Mats
£9.95 -
Tomato Tondo Piccolo Ibrido Seeds
£3.50 -
Romanesco da Taglio Seeds
£2.95 -
Chive Herb Seeds
£2.95 -
Broad Beans Supersimonia Seeds
£2.95 -
Not available - read info
Calendula Doppia Fiesta
£2.95 £2.95 -
Seedbom Pollinator Beebom
£4.95 -
Classic Wall Pot Holder and Pot
£29.95 -
Selected Offers
Triple Hanging Balcony Planter
£7.85 -
Hydro-Herb Growing Kits
£24.95 -
Chilli Ciliegia Piccante Seeds
£3.25 -
Vigoroot Potato/Tomato Planter
£9.95 -
Wall Holder with 3 Ceramic Pots
£69.95 -
Seedbom Lovebom
£2.47 -
Selected Offers
Adjustable Balcony Planter
£20.90 -
Italian Seed Selection - 5 pack
£13.95 -
Not available - read info
Moroccan Pot Holder with Pot
£39.95 £39.95 -
Not available - read info
Vigoroot Herb Planter
£9.95 £9.95 -
Not available - read info
Japanese Ikebana Flower Bowl
£10.95 £10.95 -
Cottage Garden Wall Pot
£12.95 -
Moroccan Triple Pot Holder with Pots
£67.95 -